13.8.2009 | 23:53
Diane visiting - part 3
Fjallabaksleiš nyršri bauš uppį margt fallegt. Fyrst Hólaskjól:
Viš vorum śtbśnar meš nesti į įkvįšum aš grilla einhvers stašar žarna ķ grenndinni. Vešur var eins og best varš į kosiš, en dįldiš af flugum, svo viš įkvįšum aš aka ašeins lengra. Žegar viš höfšum fundiš hrjóstrugri staš meš engum skordżrum komum viš okkur vel fyrir og kveiktum upp. Fljótlega žurftum viš aš bęta į okkur yfirhöfnum. Žaš var sumsé skķtakuldi. Viš létum žaš ekkert į okkur fį og tókum rennblautt tjaldiš śt śr bķlnum og breiddum til žurrks. Žegar viš vorum um žaš bil aš ljśka mįltķšinni kom haglél. Ég held aš žetta séu įlög. Alltaf žegar ég ętla aš grilla kemur annaš hvort rigning, hagl eša snjór! (Sęlla minninga).
Ooops! Forgot I was writing English - sorry Diane. That was the story of our barbeque in the hail.
We reached Landmannalaugar in the evening, Diane overloaded with visual experience. We chose the "better" road to Hrauneyjar, wondering how bad the worse could have been. I think I'll try that the next time.
We made it home, exhausted and dusty, and decided to rest the day after.
The following Sunday we drove to Žjórsįrdalur and visited Stöng, (where you are not allowed to walk on the roof).
The real Stöng was more interesting, and the beautiful valley behind it. Have to go there again, soon.
The famous Keriš on the way to Selfoss. (Almost forgot about that!)
Garden party (rain included, like always) the night before Diane left.
Therefore we preferred dining inside.
Mikil įtveisla.
We hope to see Diane again, as soon as possible!
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.