13.8.2009 | 17:27
Summer report - Diane visiting - part 1
Finally added some pictures from Diane's visit. See more pictures in album.
Diane came to visit us in July. We had enormous fun.
First we went horseback riding.
We chose Skįlakot horse service and met this very sweet Danish guide.
She provided horses and all the necessary equipment, like ... a chair.
An excellent idea.
Then we were taken up to the mountain.
And the chair came in handy getting off as well.
Afterwards we were went to see Annika,
and of course she prepared a fiest for us.
Takk Annika.
The day after we flew to The Westman Islands.
The lava field is still hot.
This is Diane, before I made her climb.
We like The Westman Islands.
As long as there is no climbing.
We saw killer whales.
Lots of whales.
We were supposed to see puffins,
but she took a picture of me instead.
The typical VM picture.
Simmi og Unnur tóku höfšinglega į móti okkur.
Takk fyrir.
Viking Tours are the very best!!!
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