22.3.2009 | 13:00
A story of an i-pod nano
My son has an i-pod - which I understand is something you can not live without when you are 14. Some months after getting this i-pod - about one year ago - I decided he should learn to do his own laundry. Which he learnt. And did. For some time. Until one day when he realised that he had forgot to check the pockets - and the i-pod got washed, along with his blue jeans. I advised that he should dry it and wait. Which he did. And he waited and waited. But the i-pod was dead. And I took it to the Apple guys, and they said there was no hope for such a thing. And it was too expensive to fix, so they just advised to buy a new one. And they offered to throw the old one out. But we kept it as a souvenir. And once in a while Markús checked to see if it was working again. Once the light came on, but for months nothing more happened. Until yesterday, when it started working!!! So if you wash your i-pod, don't throw it out, just wait and keep trying. Patience is the trick. And always check your pockets before doing the wash.
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