
some news for the English speaking. I started a new job just before the crisis hit. When the plumber was gone I felt that I was half-unemployed, so I called a hotel nearby and was hired instantly. Again it has been proven that God takes care of me. I like this job, they placed me in the reception and I had to learn a whole lot - therefore I have had no time to blog. I also have not had much desire to speculate about the nature of money or whether or not Mr. Oddsson should retire. Instead you should look at the homepage of Hotel Rangá, my new workplace, and imagine all the wonders there. I'm convinced it's the nicest hotel in the country. I work every other weekend and most half days in the mid-week. In between I have time to teach my students, according to the plan. So I guess I'm doing okay in the crisis and looking forward to Christmas - and aunt Diane coming to visit.

Kettirnir tveir á myndinni í síðustu færslu dafna vel í Vm. Þær heita Bíbí og Blaka!

Bróðir þeirra, Tiger 2, hefur enn ekki gengið út. Nýr eigandi óskast!

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