Report - og myndir frį Botnagöngu

for those who think that we are lost. We are not lost. I returned from England (see earlier blog) and found that winter was still here. And we had a water supply problem. Two weeks later it was better and I planted carrots and other edible stuff. And suddenly there was spring.  At the end of May I went to the Westman-Islands with my friends Kitty, Balįzs and Brian. (See my last blog).  Markśs decided to stay at home and to farmwork. He thinks farmwork is the best possible entertainment. Lappi the dog kept him company and neighbors looked after them. But first came the earthquake. I went to Reykjavķk that morning with B&K and on the way back I was talking to Markśs on the phone when he started screaming. It took a little while before I realised what he was saying.  We didn't feel anything in the car, but we only missed it by ca. fifteen minutes. The store in Selfoss where we had been shopping in turned into one big mess and people living in the Selfoss and Hveragerši area lost most of their belongings. It was a 6,3 Richter. I expected Markśs to lose heart and change his mind about staying home alone, but he didn't. Most things at home stayed in place. Of course the Westman Islands were wonderful, like always.

Last Friday we packed the gray truck (in spite of a rising gas price and a horrible forecast) and drove to Kirkjubęjarklaustur - Markśs and Lappi included. Balįzs and Kitty were already there and Brian was so nice to invite us - all of us - plus Lappi - to stay in his house. (Thank you Brian!) Saturday my relatives from my fathers family had planned their annual walking trip, and I thought it was time that we should join them while Markśs is still willing to come with me to events like that. We had a strong east wind and pouring rain. It didn't stop my cousins. They dressed properly and walked briskly into the lavafield. Me and Markśs drove the Ford as if we belonged to the generation of the uncles! Here are pictures of the heroes:

Kirkjubęjarklaustur 002




Ķ upphafi feršar



Kirkjubęjarklaustur 003




increasing rain



Kirkjubęjarklaustur 004




picnic in the shelter of bushes



Kirkjubęjarklaustur 006 nesti bragšast best ķ slagvešri

Kirkjubęjarklaustur 017

After that the conditions for photographing got a lot worse!!!


 Ašeins einn gafst upp žegar hér var komiš sögu og žįši bķlfar.



Hópurinn hittist į Hnausum ķ Mešallandi og žar voru skošuš eldgömul hśs. Sķšan var ekiš aš nįlęgum skógręktarreit og žar hófst gangan ķ įttina aš Botnum. Gönguleišin er örugglega skemmtileg ķ góšu vešri, en ég męli ekki meš žvķ viš nokkurn mann aš aka žessa leiš! Vegurinn er hryllilegur. Markśs skemmti sér samt vel og Grįni komst óskemmdur frį žessu ęvintżri - enda frįbęr bķll eins og allir vita. Vešriš gerši žaš aš verkum aš samfélagiš viš ęttingjana varš minna en efni stóšu til. Eftir rannsókn į nżju sundlauginni į Kirkjubęjarklaustri virtist notalegra aš ylja sér ķ samfélagi viš B&K og Brian heldur en aš žvęlast aftur nišur aš Botnum til aš grilla ķ slagvešrinu. Fregnir herma žó aš žar hafi veriš mikiš fjör. Viš reynum aftur į nęsta įri - og pöntum betra vešur žį.

Eigum vi%F0 a%F0 r%F3a %ED dag 004

Sunday morning Brian prepared a real feast - (Thank you again Brian!) Great cook! And did it on his way out to work - so to speak. I totally admire that man!

(Žetta er Brian aš stjórna kappróšri į sjómannadegi į Kirkjubęjarklaustri)



On the way home we drove through Mešalland, the place where my parents grew up, and took a quick look at our friend Einar the Skaft. (Engin tölvutęk mynd til af honum).


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