Lappi's episode

Since Mici has her own program, Lappi should have his. Lappi is the best dog I've ever had. But my friends do not think so. He seems not to like guests. In my opinion he lets me know when I have company, when I receive mail, when the cow-gang shows up and when the garbage gets picked up. This is important information to me. Lappi knows that. So he barks - and growls - and makes himself bigger, to show people how important he is. He occasionally sends the same message to the neighbor's horses, but it is with permission. My neighbor thinks it is important that horses get used to dog's barking. Horse-riders passing by on the other hand are not so happy with Lappi's intervention. I can understand that. I rembember when I was a horse-person, I didn't like barking dogs. But nobody is perfect. So people are afraid of Lappi. They think he is going to bite. Lappi is five years old, and I thought he would never bite, but this spring he made a technical mistake (tæknileg mistök). There was no blood, but it was a proof that Lappi is dangerous. Now people are advised to call before arriving, so that Lappi can be contained. Of course once you're inside the house Lappi turnes into the sweetest dog you've ever met. He will warm up your feet - whether you need it or not, and be polite in every way.

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