Mici's episode


Mici the cat was born on my farm one year ago. I have too many cats, so she was given away as soon as possible. In September she moved into a Hungarian home in Iceland and was named Mici. She is famous in the Music School, because her new mama, being a music teacher, also has a talent for drawing, and decorated her teaching rooms with drawings of Mici. But Mici did not get a chance to become infamous in town. The new parents protected her from the outside world and kept her inside. During Christmas holidays Mici came to stay with me while the Hungarians went home. I agreed to let her stay inside most of the time, and locked her up in the bathroom. (Normally I don't keep cats in the house - except in the laundry room). Occasionally we took baths, and that's when Mici had the most fun. She likes water. Sometimes she would fall into the bathtub, but she did not mind. Only I got a scratch when she decided to jump out. Once during Christmas Mici escaped to outside and faced her mother, sister and other relatives. She did not like that one little bit. When I found her she was high up in a tree and all the other cats on their way up to get a closer look. It was a funny looking thing - a tree covered with cats - tree-hugger-cats. I did not join in, but waited for them to come down. They eventually did. Mici too. Now it's summer holiday and Mici is back. This time I refused to keep her inside. At the same time I was worried sick that I would loose her. She decided of course to become a wild cat. Only at midnight every night she returnes for food. She is a very punctual cat. And when fed, she demands to go outside again. And I let her. She likes to hide out in the trees. Today was different though. I'm thinking maybe Mici has a talent for weather forcasting. The TV forecast promised a sunny day, but Mici was found this morning napping on top of the dryer - that is where she feels safe. She accepted breakfast and then stayed in the laundry room all day. Guess what - it started raining in the afternoon - and no sun. The only fault in this theory is that Mici likes water. But - she may only like warm water, not the cold rain.

The amazing cat Mici  - always a source of wonder.

- To be continued - for sure.

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